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Lu (Sugar & Snark)

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Dan Brown
Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters
Jane Austen
The Double Jinx Mystery
Carolyn Keene
Smallville: Guardian part 3 (Season 11 #3)
Bryan Q. Miller
Scarlet - Marissa Meyer Review to follow
Chobits, Vol. 01 - CLAMP *Warning Mild Spoilers*This is a very hard Manga to review. I am torn, on the one hand I loved the concept of Persocon's. They are super cute and to be honest I want my own!Then there is also "Plum" that is a small persocon, and called a laptop. How awesome do you get!?Then there is the other side of me that felt a little "dirty" reading this. Why does Chi's on switch have to be down there?! Seriously?? And why does Hideki's friend have to fondle Chi's breast?! Then there is the fact that all the persocon's are scantly dressed and the whole thing is just creepy.And then Hideki has this big issue affording Underwear, come on dude, it is not that expensive and why are you buying it from a Lingerie shop anyway? Makes no sense.Will I read on? I have no idea. I am intrigued but also offended, so will see. No idea why I liked it as much as I did tbh. On second thought maybe it was the artwork! It is gorgeous!Illustrations: 4 starsStory: 2 stars - Dodgy :POverall: 3 stars
Changeless - Gail Carriger What an amazing series! I just want to gush and gush to anyone that would listen. I loved this installment even more than the first, I’m not sure why, but it could be that the first set up all the characters and in this one you could just enjoy them.The secondary characters, such as Ivy and Madame Lefoux just add to this story in such a great way. Ivy just makes me giggle and Madame Lefoux is so mysterious – love them! Oh wait and then there is Floote – Floote is funny in such an unassuming way and I hope to see even more of him in the next few books!And how can I not mention Alexia? She is one of my favorite characters of all time. She doesn’t care what society thinks of her and she says whatever she feels like, without sugar coating it. Plainly said she is just awesome and I want to be her!I also just want to say: What an ending!It left me seething at someone and I grabbed the 3rd in the series right away to see what happens! And so far I’m loving the 3rd book even more, who could have known! (Review to follow soon)
Vampire Knight, Vol. 01 - Tomo Kimura, Matsuri Hino I heard this was a "Twilight" Manga, and in a way it was, but I was really happy that there were tons of differences! At Cross Academy you can find both humans and vampires. The vampires go to class at night and are called the Night Class, however the humans (Day Class) don't know that the Night Class are vampires, they just know that they are extremely pretty.Yuki Cross who can be seen as the main character was strangely not my favorite - she was a bit irritating. I like the brooding Zero Kiryu, but I am dreading the love-triangle that I see forming! Although I didn't love it to death, I would give the next volume a try, just because I hear great things about where this series is going!Note on my review copy: There was a "For review purposes only" watermark right in the middle of every single page, and when there was a text bubble on that section 50% of the time I couldn't make out what it said. At least I could figure out what was going on from the panes I could see.Illustrations: 3 starsStory: 3.5 starsOverall: 3 stars
The Night Circus - Erin Morgenstern The Night Circus only opens at night and it pops up unannounced and seems to follow no set schedule. The circus however, is not your run of the mill circus. There are tents that you can't even imagine, tents that amaze and surprise, and not to mention the food. It is not something you sit through, it is something you experience, something you will always remember!A young girl and boy are chosen for a challenge, that will put their training to the test. They don't know who their opponents are, when the challenge takes place, where it takes place or even what it consists of. As a reader you are also asking all these questions, and the way the answers get revealed is magnificent!It is very hard to discuss the characters, as there are so many and they were all so interesting and different. And I can't give much more away regarding the plot, it is something you will have to explore yourself.The Night Circus is one of those novels that plays with your imagination, it delights and leaves you marveling at how you feel the story with all your senses. So richly described and well thought out, that I felt I was at the circus. The only reason The Night Circus didn't get 5 stars from me was the fact that at times I felt a bit lost between all the names and places, but don't let this deter you. Read it if you love magic and the wonder that is a circus!I cannot tell you guys how much I want it to be real.More books like this please!
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic #3 - Katie Cook,  Andy Price I just love this series to bits!There were quite a few moments of hilarity with Pinky Pie in this one. She just wants everyone to wear costumes of themselves and eat cake.Illustrations: 5 starsStory: 4 starsOverall: 4 stars
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic #4 - Katie Cook,  Andy Price This was a great series! I will definitely read any other My Little Pony comics in the future. Who knew they would be this much fun!?The ending did leave me a little confused, but I think it was meant that way and open to interpretation.Illustrations: 5 starsStory: 4 starsOverall: 4 stars
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic #2 - Katie Cook,  Andy Price Loving these! So cute!And my love of Rarity just keeps growing :)The artwork is really amazing and a real treat for the eyes! And the story has some real giggling moments!Illustrations: 5 starsStory: 4 starsOverall: 4 stars
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic #1 - Katie Cook,  Andy Price This was soooo much fun!!My favorite part was the background art, there was lots of little things happening in the background that I found so funny! And who doesn't love ponies lolMy favorite so far is Rarity:Illustrations: 5 starsStory: 3.5 starsOverall: 4 stars
Jurassic Park: Dangerous Games - Greg Bear A crime lord buys the island from the Costa Rica government and proceeds with some illegal activities. Daniel Espinoza works for the CIA and is undercover - he then gets caught and set loose upon the island, forced to survive. He meets a woman that is basically a raptor whisperer and fighting with the baddies ensues!I can't get enough of anything Jurassic Park! So I might be a bit biased when I say I enjoyed this :)Illustrations: 4 starsStory: 4 starsOverall: 4 stars
Smallville: Guardian part 2 (Season 11 #2) - Bryan Q. Miller Whooohooo I cannot get enough! Sure Clark still looks square and Lois doesn't look at all like Lois. But you can't have everything in life... or so they say :)We do however get to see more of Chloe and Emil!!And don't get me started on Lex! He is just screwing with everyone and having fun putting everyone in danger!Can't wait for the next one!Illustrations: 3 starsStory: 5 starsOverall: 4 stars
Smallville: Guardian part 1 (Season 11 # 1) - Bryan Q. Miller,  Pere Pérez,  Randy Mayor,  Cat Staggs I finished season 10 of Smallville today and had the digital comics waiting for this occasion. I jumped right into the first 3 that are combined in this issues and I really enjoyed them!!I got to see all my fav characters, most importantly Chloe and Green Arrow
From Fabletown with Love - Shawn McManus, Chris Roberson In this spinoff Cinderella is not the typical Cinderella I have come to known through the years, as it takes place after the whole dealings with the lost glass slipper, marrying this prince etc. Cinderella is now a divorced spy that owns a shoe shop called The Glass Slipper! And get this... her handler is Beast from Beauty and the Beast!But let me not give everything away. Cinderella goes on one hell of an adventure with a swoon worthy hero (think flying carpets and Arabian nights) and some interesting talking animal sidekicks! And on top of this she has to deal with a shoe sales assistant that thinks he can run her business anyway he wants.And although I didn't think the illustrations were as good as they could have been, the story more than made up for it. Loved it!Illustrations: 3.5 starsStory: 5++ starsOverall: 5 stars
The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe - J. Randy Taraborrelli This is one of the best biographies I have ever read (not that I have ready many), but I have no complaints. The author takes you on a journey through Marilyn’s life from beginning to after her death. He focuses on everything I wanted to know about: her mother, childhood, men in her life and the movies. I felt that I got a complete picture of Marilyn’s life and I found it absolutely fascinating!SourceI now fully understand the fascination with Marilyn Monroe! She went through so much heartache and setbacks in her life, and yet she is was one of the biggest movies stars of all time. The men in her life treated her like property, they tried to control her, and some even attributed to her paranoia. And yet she kept on trying, she kept on looking for love and I wish with my whole heart that she would have found it in time.At the back of this book there are images of Marilyn and the people in her life – I found these very interesting and I loved seeing everyone that was talked about in the book.I also found the writing thoughtful and the author presented the facts to me, so I could form my own opinion. The author also tried to be fair to everyone that affected Marilyn’s life and I came out feeling that this was a job well done!I couldn’t help but completely falling under Marilyn’s spell while reading this novel – I even watched a few old movies and started Tumblr’ing. So count me among one of Marilyn Monroe’s fans and I will definitely be reading more about her. And even more biographies, I can only hope that they are as great as this one was!
Fathom #5 - Michael Layne Turner,  Bill O'Neil Ooooh things heat up in this one! Aspen finds about her "people" and her powers. We also learn what their plans are for the human race. And we get to seem more of Cannon who sets out to recruit help. And to top it off, Japan and the US are at war!Illustrations: 4 starsStory: 4 starsOverall: 4 stars
Fathom #4 - Michael Layne Turner,  Bill O'Neil Things heat up a bit in this one. Aspen is sought after by everyone it seems, and we get to see a bit more about those who are after her, why and what their plans are. Can't wait for more! Loved all the underwater scenes!Illustrations: 4 starsStory: 3.5 starsOverall: 4 stars